2024-25 Online Enrollment Is Now Open!

Welcome to Zeeland Public Schools!

Enrollment is open for the 24-25 school year for grades Y5-12.   Please get in touch with the school secretary in the building your child will attend with questions. If you are unsure which school boundary you reside in, please refer to the district boundary map.  If you are out of district, please refer to the School of Choice 105/105(c) section below.

Young Five/Kindergarten age requirements per the State of Michigan for the 24-25 school year: Your child's birth year must be 2019, and your child should turn five by September 1, 2024, or with a waiver no later than December 1, 2024.

The pre-admission application for Spanish Immersion and ZQuest is closed; however, if you are interested in getting on a waitlist, please call 616-748-3375 to inquire about Spanish Immersion, and 616-748-3065 to inquire about ZQuest.   

For ZPS Preschool information, please see the tab below titled Preschool Enrollment.

For Y5/Kindergarten enrollments: This spring, your child will be invited to a screening event at your assigned building. Following this event, elementary leaders will review readiness factors such as screener observations, birthdate, and parent input to make a placement recommendation in one of our early childhood programs. ZPS is committed to working with families to provide the smoothest possible transition to elementary school. 

If you have a NEW STUDENT to register for Zeeland Public Schools, click here to Enroll Now

PLEASE NOTE: A laptop is optimal for online registration. We are seeing some issues with smartphones/tablets not being user-friendly for this application process.    If you must use a phone or tablet, please use Firefox or Chrome as your browser; this application is not compatible with Safari.

Did you miss the information night? That's OK! Check out the presentations here, and please reach out with any questions!

Traditional Young 5s and Kindergarten Information Presentation (including how to enroll)

Spanish Immersion Information Presentation (including how to enroll)

ZQuest Information Presentation (including how to enroll)

Pre-Admission (Spanish Immersion / ZQuest)

The Pre-Admission link is no longer live. Please contact 748.3375 to be added to the list for Spanish Immersion or 748.3065 to be added to the list for ZQuest. 

Both Elementary Spanish Immersion and ZQuest participate in an online pre-admission process. This link will be available on February 5, 2024, at 12 PM and remain open until February 5 at 9:00 pm. This is a time-stamped numbering process to secure an application order. You must also follow-up by submitting an online enrollment, which opens February 6, 2024.


Preschool Enrollment Forms

Information will is available online. For information about Preschool Opportunities and Requirements, please visit Preschool Registration Information page.


If you are enrolling in Y5 or kindergarten, this spring your child will be invited to a screening event at your assigned school.  Following this event, elementary leaders will review readiness factors such as screener observations, birthdate, and parent input to make a placement recommendation in one of our early childhood programs. ZPS is committed to working with families to provide the smoothest possible transition to elementary school. 

ZPS online enrollment for the 24-25 school year is now open!

If you have a NEW STUDENT to enroll for Zeeland Public Schools click here to Enroll Now! If your student already attends ZPS in grades Y5-12, there is no need to re-enroll (if your child is currently at ECC, you do need to enroll). PLEASE NOTE: A laptop is optimal for online registration. We are seeing some issues with smartphones/tablets not being user-friendly for this application process.    If you must use a phone or tablet, please use Firefox or Chrome as your browser; this application is not compatible with Safari.

Computers are also available for your use to register at all buildings and the Administration office; please call for an appointment. If you still require a hard copy of the enrollment packet, please contact your home building or the Administration office at 748-3002. 

For preschool enrollment, please see Preschool Enrollment above.

Notification of 2024-25 Application Process for
Zeeland Public Schools special programming enrollment: 
Spanish Immersion and ZQuest


Registration for Zeeland Public Schools specialized programs is a two-step process:

1.  Pre-admission online. Link will be available at ZPS.org beginning February 5, 2024, at 12 PM and remain live until 9 PM. This is an electronic time-stamped numbering process for applications.

2.  You must follow-up with an online enrollment, which opens February 6, 2024, in order to confirm your spot on the pre-admission list.   If you are submitting paperwork in person rather than online, please do so at one of the following locations:

  • Spanish Immersion enrollment paperwork will be received at New Groningen Elementary, 10542 Chicago Drive, Zeeland.
  • ZQuest enrollment paperwork will be received at Roosevelt Elementary, 175 W. Roosevelt, Zeeland.


Acceptance of Spanish Immersion Enrollment will be prioritized by the following:

  1. Siblings of currently enrolled ZPS Spanish Immersion students
  2. Children of current ZPS Spanish Immersion staff
  3. Applicants who live in district of Zeeland Public Schools, utilizing time stamped order of acceptance
  4. Applicants who live out of district of Zeeland Public Schools, utilizing time stamped order of acceptance

Acceptance of ZQuest Enrollment will be prioritized by the following:

  1. Siblings of currently enrolled ZPS ZQuest students
  2. Children of current ZPS staff
  3. Applicants who live in district of Zeeland Public Schools, utilizing time stamped order of acceptance
  4. Applicants who live out of district of Zeeland Public Schools, utilizing time stamped order of acceptance

Notification of Placement

Families will be notified of their acceptance to a Zeeland Public Schools special program by April 14, 2024.


Questions on the procedures listed should be directed to the Office of the Superintendent.


If you are a current student and have moved out of the Zeeland district, please contact your school building to fill out and return the 2024-25 105/105c form.


The Zeeland Public School District participates in and will accept enrollment of non-resident students for the following schools of choice programs for the 2024-2025 school year as follows:

  • Section 105 Program (non-resident students within Ottawa Area ISD) – applications for the start of the 2024-2025 school year accepted from January 2, 2024 – July 31, 2024 @ 3:00 pm.
  • Section 105c Program (non-resident students within contiguous ISD) – applications for the start of the 2024-2025 school year accepted from January 2, 2024 – July 31, 2024 @ 3:00 pm.

Applications may be returned via hand delivery, US Mail, fax or email. To avoid an application getting misplaced, please return it to the address on the form, not the building you hope to attend.  Zeeland Public Schools will have unlimited openings for 2024-2025, but program or building preference can not be guaranteed with acceptance.  Building placement will take place in mid to late May for all grades.  For more specific information regarding placement and timing, please read the Frequently Asked Questions for answers to many common questions. 

For the 2024-25 academic year, families who live within the Zeeland district who would like to apply for an in-district transfer to a building other than their assigned boundary school building are asked to fill out the school building transfer form. The School Building Transfer form (formerly the In District Transfer form) will be available and accepted January 2, 2024 until April 5, 2024 for BRAND NEW transfer requests. All requests received by this date will be reviewed sometime after spring break and you will be notified by email.  Applications received after spring break will be reviewed at a later date. This form is required for all new in-district transfer requests for the fall of 2024.   Please make sure to read ZPS in-district transfer policy for in district requests. 


Kindergarten Age Waivers / Notification of Early Enrollment forms are also available for those seeking to enroll their child in Kindergarten for 2024-25, but who do not meet the September 1, 2024 guideline. If your child has a birth date between September 2, 2019 and December 1, 2019, you can submit a Kindergarten Age Waiver.  Also, please note that if you are seeking Young Fives, the same dates apply for eligibility but no waiver is needed.

Enroll For 2024-2025

Enrollment is open for the 2024-2025 academic years for BRAND NEW students: ENROLL HERE.  Please do not enroll if your student already attends ZPS for Y5-12th grade.   Once you have completed and submitted your enrollment, you will receive a confirmation email.  If you do not receive an email, please contact Mary Miilu at 616-748-3002.

Young 5's & Kindergarten Screening

Welcome to ZPS! 

When available, documents for parents with incoming Young 5 or Kindergarten students will be posted here. If you have questions, please call your child's assigned building for assistance. 

Are you feeling stuck? don't worry!

Give us a call! We're here to help. 616.748.3002.